Week in Review

Week in Review

Wednesday we led worship at Raleigh Road Baptist Church in Wilson, NC for a missions banquet. Had a blast leading with guys who love Jesus and are all worship leaders in their own right–Alex Anders, Jordan Leino, Will Hughes, and Patrick Downing.
We tried to gear the set with a salvation/redemption theme. So many great songs. It was hard to narrow them down.
We played:
1. Everlasting God (B. Brown)
2. Mighty to Save (Hillsong)
3. Tear Down the Walls (Hillsong United)
4. God of This City (BlueTree)
5. Send Us Out (Via’s)

Friday and Saturday we headed up to Virginia to celebrate the life of my late great Uncle Mayo Adams who passed away last week at the age of 93. He was an incredible man who m
odeled godly Christian character, a faithful and loving husband, and an honorable citizen. He flew a B-17 bomber in WW-II. On one mission out of his 31 (most pilots only averaged about 12 missions), he was shot down and crash-landed him and his entire crew in a corn field in England, only about 30 feet from a small English cottage. His crew was saved.

On another occasion, a bomb blew up in front of his cockpit and shrapnel exploded through his body. His co-pilot landed the plane and got him to a doctor. Days later, he was back flying his B-17 and earned the purple heart. He loved Jesus with all of his heart and was a man’s man. It was an amazing experience to see how he was honored and to be a part of his funeral.

After the funeral Saturday we loaded up the Trooper and headed to Charlotte. Today we had the privilege of leading back at Ridge Church. Had a great day leading with Scott Spruill, Adam Wilson, Brett Banks, and Patrick Trombley. Great bunch of guys. It was good to see several old friends in the crowd who came to say hello. Always love that.
Also, a Happy B-Day shout-out to Rusty Burchard, one of the most creative service programmers I know. Thanks for letting us crash with you guys last night.
We played:
1. 1,2,3,4 (Plain White Ts – V-Day cover/opener)
2. Glory to God Forever (Fee)
3. No One Higher/The Stand (Fee)
4. How He Loves (John Marc)
After lunch, we went to the park with the Burchards where Rusty caught some great shots of our kids. Man, I love my family. Enjoy.

One Response

  1. Glenda Norris says:

    Beautiful, precious children….so blessed by watching your videos/comments…..you’re such ‘special’, loving parents 🙂 I pray that all parents would love their children and God as you do!!! My 2 grandchildren are very much loved too, and I am very thankful they have Christian parents who love God. May you/family be truly blessed always 🙂

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