Charlie Brown’s Teacher

Charlie Brown’s Teacher

Today I’m teaching a bunch of wild 6th graders Language Arts and Social Studies. And I’m realizing really quickly that homeschooling is the way to go. I’ve been blabbing my mouth for 5 hours and I don’t think they’ve heard a word I’ve said. I must sound like Charlie Brown’s teacher to them. I’ve written things on the board that they have no intention of reading (Boy do I have great white board penmanship. Too bad no one cares). I think I could literally write the statement, “You may all immediately run out of this classroom and break something in the hall and get an automatic A just for doing so” and no one would do it. Because they’re not reading it.

And I realize how God must feel when He steps into the classroom of my life and tries to teach me things. He must wonder why He repeats Himself over and over again when He knows that I have no intention of really learning. Because I’m too distracted with Leon’s big orange eraser across the room. And He must wonder why He wrote things down in His book when He knows that I have no real intention of reading it. Because I’m too distracted with the love letter from 2nd period that’s been passed around the whole 6th grade class.

I wonder if God ever wonders why He wrote such a beautiful love letter to his children when they would rather read a cheap imitation. I wonder if He ever stands at the white board staring at His perfected formula He has just written entitled, “How to Have Real Abundant Life” wondering why absolutely no eyes have picked up on this. Wondering why no single student has taken him up on his offer for an automatic A.

May I muse no longer. Instead, may I simply learn to read God’s whiteboard and act on it. “Lord, make me a good student because you’re a pretty awesome Teacher.”