Holy Week, Year #2

Holy Week, Year #2

I’ve got to hand it to my wife on this one–she’s done a pretty incredible job helping our kids to understand what Easter is all about. Last year we began a family tradition during this week prior to Easter Sunday, where we participate in a daily activity that helps to highlight the truth of Christ’s resurrection. Tasha is giving a play-by-play on her blog, so go check it out. I won’t ruin it for you. But I just wanted to say that I’ve got the best wife in the world and I can’t imagine doing life and ministry without her. When it comes to the discipleship of these little souls that the Lord has entrusted to us, she’s the best!

I love you, babe. Thanks for helping to point our kids to Jesus.

(Yesterday we passed out easter eggs to all our neighbors, along with an invite to the Easter services at our home church, Southbrook, and a “Josh and Tasha” CD to help get the Gospel to them. Who can resist a visit from these little guys, right?! All defenses come crashing down when you’re sharing Christ with someone and you have your kids with you. Try it sometime. And if you don’t have kids yet … find some.)