

We’ve just returned from a rapid-fire weekend of ministry mayhem. We loaded up the fam on Thursday afternoon and headed to Ingleside Baptist Church in Macon, GA for “Break-out Weekend.” It was a cool time of hanging out with old friends, making new friends and leading worship for 100 middle school students each jacked up on early adolescent adrenaline, a natural and much more potent form of Red Bull.

My good friend, Fred Broome whom I met while in seminary, is the new middle school pastor at Ingleside, and doing a phenomenal job already. He and his wife Lindsay have 2 kids, Joshua and Anna, both around the ages of Areyna and Ezekiel. Needless to say, the kids had a blast together. And it was great to reconnect with the Broome family. I have a new level of respect for middle school pastors of large churches and I don’t envy them in the least bit!!
It was a great trip and the Lord worked in a powerful way as a handful of students accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior.

After leading worship Sunday morning, we immediately hit the road and made it back to Charlotte just in time for rehearsal and run-through at Ridge Church Sunday afternoon. Good times. When we finally got home last night, we crashed. Today we got up late. We went to the park. We fed the ducks. We all took a nap. We all went to the grocery store. And we’re about to crash again. I love our ministry!! I love our family. And I love that we get to do this together!!