Ways to Pray

Ways to Pray

Back in Charlotte. Great trip to Orlando. And pumped about a few things coming up. Here are a few ways you can be praying for us in the next few weeks:

  1. Uganda ’09 – As of last week, I had decided to postpone my trip until October for financial reasons. But just in the past couple of days, the Lord has graciously provided a great influx of funds through the support of generous friends and supporting churches. So, now I’ll be able to be a part of the June trip as originally planned. I’m really excited. Thanks to all of you who have generously given to this trip. Pray that the Lord will be honored through this endeavor as I seek to be used for His glory wherever the greatest need is, whether it be one-on-one evangelism, preaching/teaching and training pastors, leading worship, helping in the medical clinics, etc.
  2. Camp Oasis – Pray for us and for the students of Ingleside Baptist Church to whom we’ll be ministering next weekend at Myrtle Beach. Pray for Bill Stanley, as he brings the Word of God–that he’ll be in tune with the Spirit’s leading. Pray for the student pastors, Fred Broome and Scooter (with a name like that could he have been anything other than a youth pastor?). Pray for the leaders. And pray that we’ll have wisdom each session as we lead in worship, that the spectator mentality that is prevalent in so much of the modern worship movement will be gloriously absent from our midst.
  3. All That Glitters – This is a CD project that my dad and I and a few of my good friends and local musicians here in Charlotte will be working on beginning in July. It will be 30-minute Gospel presentation on CD that will incorporate spoken word and song. The hope is that it will be a simple, yet effective tool to get the Gospel into the hands of friends, relatives, co-workers, etc.–a simple and non-threatening approach to proclaim the most important message known to man. Pray for us as we spearhead this in July.
  4. Pray for my wife – She’s an amazing mother of almost three. She’s feeling very-much pregnant right now and in need of some semblance of normalcy. As I drag her here and there and everywhere, pray that the Lord will sustain her according to His grace. And especially pray for her sanity raising our children as I’m away in Uganda for a few weeks.

Thanks so much to all of you who pray for and support our ministry. We are incredibly grateful.

In His Sovereign Hands,
Josh Via