Until Unity

A sweet lady at my church quietly gave me this book for Christmas. It showed up on my desk with no explanation along with some Christmas cookies and goodies…and I chose not to take it personally! 😉 While I love Francis Chan, this book had completely flown under my radar. As with all of his writings and sermons, Chan comes right at you with convicting content that you can immediately tell he has been wrestling with himself. He’s refreshingly honest about his own failures regarding Christian unity, whether as the aggressor or the passive enabler. Out of Chan’s personal experience he writes as a prophetic voice to the Church calling her to put aside fruitless squabbles and debates and to love each other deeply.

In the end he says, “I tried to write this book with only that Day in mind. What will I regret saying or not saying? On that Day, I won’t have even an ounce of concern about what others think of me. I will stand before my Maker and answer for my life.”
Then he challenges the reader as he concludes: “Take some time to consider what will matter to you on that Final Day. It is so healthy to take your eyes off everything you see now (2 For. 4:18). Just picture standing or laying prostrate before a Holy God in the end. This is what motivates me to make some of the hardest decisions in my life.”
I’m grateful for this book and for this closing challenge. The Lord has used it to cause me to pause and reflect, to take inventory of my conversations, decisions, and opportunities. Am I living for selfish ambition or am I living for the glory of Christ and with eternity in mind? Am I living for That Day?