Uganda Recap

Uganda Recap

Finally made it back. Though I made it home on Saturday, the combination of catching up with my family, jet-lag and my brother having his little baby girl, blogging has been low on the priority list. But I’ll try to do a quick bullet-list here of some of the awesome things that happened on the trip with our team of about 35 people.

  • Over 1200 souls came to faith in Jesus Christ – every name was written down so that the local churches in each village can begin to do follow-up.
  • Treated over 4500 people medically, ranging from cases of malaria, typhoid, syphilis, wounds of various sorts, abnormal growths and cancers, malnutrition, etc.
  • Trained over 150 pastors in the surrounding three villages that we ministered in
  • Showed the Jesus Film in each village
  • Held outdoor evangelistic crusades
  • Shared the Gospel with locals going hut-to-hut
  • Shared the Gospel in about 12 schools and about 6 prisons
  • My sister Joy and her friend Jillian Stewart worked with Arise Africa International to help get their first orphanage off the ground by choosing 40 orphans out of over 500 candidates from surrounding villages to be the first group of children. Joy spent 7 weeks there and said it was the hardest, yet most-rewarding time of her life.

Thank you so much for your prayers and support for this trip. It was such a refreshing time–time to get a fresh perspective on the world and what God is doing–to get my eyes off of myself for 12 days and fully immerse myself in serving other people, in a different culture, sharing the Good News of the Gospel.

My Dad leads teams every summer to this region of East Africa to spread the Gospel in these unique ways. If you’d like to be a part of a trip, please don’t hesitate to contact me. It will change your life.