Micaiah Joel

Micaiah Joel

We had our baby!! Micaiah Joel. He’s a little guy weighing in at 6 lbs. 14 oz. and perfectly healthy. He and Tasha are both doing great. We couldn’t have asked for a smoother labor and delivery. Tasha will give you more details on her blog, since she’s the detail person in our family. Thank you all for your prayers and encouragement over this past week. Now begins the tricky part of assimilating him into our family life, but a task that we’re eager to take on since we view this little guy as an added blessing to our growing family.

His name means, “Who is like Yahweh?” Micaiah was one of the obscure prophets in the OT, one who stood for truth at the risk of his own life. In 1 Kings 22, when commanded by the servants of King Ahab to prophesy only good things about the king, Micaiah said, “As the LORD lives, I will say whatever the LORD says to me.” (v.14) Those words happened to be words of death and destruction regarding King Ahab, the King of Israel. And his words came to pass. He declared the truth, knowing that it could cost him his life. When false prophets were everywhere declaring victory and prosperity for the King, Micaiah spoke the truth.

And that’s the prayer for our son, that he will be a man with strong convictions. A man with a strong backbone to stand for truth regardless of what the rest of the world is doing. To preach the truth of the Gospel whether it is convenient or not and whether people want to hear it or not. That the truth and power of the Gospel will be written all over his life, and that when people observe his life, they will ask in wonder, “Who is like God?” “Who is like Yahweh?”

2 Responses

  1. Kelly Via says:

    I love the meaning behind Micaiah's name. What a great prayer for your son. He's awesome – and he has great parents too. So glad he is finally here; and he is beautiful!

  2. jim thompson says:

    dude…. so happy!! he is the man! 🙂 blessings, bro.

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