Lunch with Dad

Lunch with Dad

This is Daddy ingenuity at it’s finest. The creativity was flowing. Tasha was gone. It was lunch time. Of course, Zeke’s high chair was nowhere to be found!! So I improvised.

I stuck the little gobbler in his rocker chair, wedging the boppy under the back end to prevent it’s normal rocking function (the rocking action combined with food, not a good idea). Then I wedged the legs of Rainy’s step stool perfectly over the chair, the lowest step acting as a table top.
The back legs were the only problem. Hanging in mid-air would never do. So, I grabbed a bar stool, and set the hanging back legs of the step stool on the lowest rung of the bar stool. El Perfecto!

I needed proof of said ingenuity, and here it is. This goes out to all the Dads who have ever allowed their creative juices to flow just to make it through a meal without mom. God bless you all.