Recaps 2-3-08

Recaps 2-3-08

Today, Tasha and I had the privilege to be back at Southbrook Church (it’s been since Christmas Eve, I think). And it was awesome. Pastor Rob Singleton began a new series called Friends with Benefits. It was good stuff. Tough subject material dealing with relationships. Much needed for all of us. And he handled it well.

The band rocked. Andy Cherry, Nate Bryan, and Brandon Hiller – these guys keep me on my toes. I feel so privileged to play with this caliber of talent.

We opened up with:
1. All Because of Jesus – a great tune off the newest Steve Fee album. Deals with the truth that Jesus is the only reason we live and move and have our being. The naysayers of modern worship need to read the lyrics to the chorus of this song, “It’s all because of Jesus I’m alive, it’s all because the blood of Jesus Christ covers me and raised this dead man’s life …” That’s great truth right there. (Key of C) From there we went right into …

2. Sanctify – off the Return Worship CD – a collaboration of myself, Andy Cherry and Dan Rutty. Comes right out of John 17 where Jesus prays that the body of Christ would be unified together so that the world might see us and be drawn to Jesus Christ through our witness. (Also key of C)

3. Fire Fall Down – from Hillsong United a couple records ago. Still a solid tune. Verse 1 says, “You bought my life with the blood that you shed on the cross, when You died for the sins of man and You let out a cry, crucified now alive in me.” The blood seemed to be a minor theme woven throughout the set. (Key of F#)

4. Pour – also off the Return CD by Dan Rutty. I’ve been waiting to do this one for awhile. Really enjoyed it. Dan writes such solid stuff, both musically and lyrically. Gets an A+ for singability and learnability. Fit well with the set and the song before, coming out of the bridge singing “fire fall down” and going into the chorus of “Pour” singing “shine, won’t you shine, let Your fire fall on this heart of mine . . .” That’s what the Church in America needs – a pouring out of God’s Spirit – a refreshing wave of revival – another spiritual renewal and awakening. Maybe it will start in Charlotte. God only knows. (Also F#)