Stepping Out of the Introduction

Stepping Out of the Introduction

It’s hard to believe that the waiting, the planning, the fundraising, the paperwork, the trips to government buildings and medical clinics, the homestudies, the online education, the books, the praying, the encouraging words from friends, all of it, is finally coming to a head on September 26 when we load up our family of five and head across the ocean to the nation of Uganda to finalize our adoption and bring home our little Alethia Grace. In some ways, the journey is coming to an end, but in large part it’s just beginning.

The journey of raising another child to love Jesus with all her heart is just beginning. The journey of walking through the trials and tears of life is just beginning. The journey of seeing her grow in her knowledge and understanding of Scripture and of Jesus is just beginning. The journey of explaining her heritage and where she came from and why her mother and I decided to adopt her is just beginning. The journey of many years of laughter and fun is just beginning. It’s all beginning.

If the journey of our adoption were a book, on September 26th we’ll be stepping out of the introduction and into chapter 1. The journey is just beginning, and we couldn’t be more excited and thankful that the Lord is the one writing this story.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for your continued prayers and support for us and our family.

“He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it.” 1 Thessalonians 5:24

3 Responses

  1. Patience says:

    Beautifully written, Josh. The Leinos are so excited for your family & to meet sweet Alethia Grace!

  2. janet via says:

    What a wonderful introduction Son. I can’t wait to read the story in its entirely. We are continuing to pray as you go forward.

  3. Kelly Via says:

    Well written, Fro! Very well written. Very excited for your family as you guys prepare to travel to bring home Alethia!! We love having the opportunity to have a similar story right along side you guys, and be doing this together!! What a blessing!

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