Experiencing Billy’s Library

Experiencing Billy’s Library

Yesterday was one of those days that will be hard for me to forget. I took our family to visit the new Billy Graham Library here in Charlotte. Not to sound mystical, but it was a spiritual experience. I have more respect for Billy Graham than I’ve ever had before. Some might simply call it a museum about one man. But it was more than that. It was a testimony of the faithfulness of God in one man’s life – a spiritual giant who was so careful to give all the glory back to Jesus Christ. It was a monument to the Gospel, not to a man. If you’re in Charlotte this summer, go see it! It’s well worth it.

The Progression of a Strong Witness for Christ

“I am only one in a chain of men and women God has raised up through the centuries to build Christ’s Church and to take the Gospel everywhere.” – B.G.

1. Sunday School Teacher named Edward Kimball won a shoe clerk to Jesus – D.L. Moody
2. D.L. Moody traveled to England and awakened the heart of a young pastor: F.B. Meyer
3. F.B. Meyer became one of the great Bible expositors, came to USA and preached on college campuses and was used to lead a student to Christ – Wilbur Chapman
4. Wilbur Chapman attended one of Moody’s meetings in Chicago and became Moody’s co-worker.
5. Chapman employed an ex-baseball player as his assistant, his name, Billy Sunday
6. Billy Sunday became a great evangelist and preached in Charlotte, NC, organized the Billy Sunday Layman’s Evangelistic Club (renamed Christian Business Men’s Committee CBMC)
7. CBMC invited an evangelist to Charlotte, his name Mordecai Ham
8. Mordecai Ham preached in the tent meeting where Billy Graham was saved