Family Holy Week Part 4

Family Holy Week Part 4

On Thursday night during our devotion time, the kids sat down in the living room floor long enough for me to read a portion of John 13, the night before Jesus went to the cross. The event? When Jesus washed His disciples’ feet. The purpose? To show that He came to serve, and to be the servant of all. Footwashing was a humbling act, performed only by slaves. Yet, Jesus did it. Jesus stooped down to wash the grimy feet of His disciples. He demonstrated the heart of a servant. The servant King. That’s who Jesus was. That’s who Jesus is.

To reinforce the Word to our kids, we wet a rag and took turns washing each other’s feet. They loved it. Whether it entirely clicked for them or not, I can’t be sure, but for all intents and purposes, at least we had clean feet before bedtime. It was a pretty cool moment in the life of our family, one that we won’t soon forget.

(Ahhh!!!! … I shoulda known better. My NCAA bracket is blown. I had Duke going all the way! What was I thinking?!)