A Mother’s Day to Remember
We just had a weekend for the scrapbook. Our weekend started on Thursday as my wife, my sister-in-law, Kelly Via, and another friend, Jennifer Hambrick, all took a childless road trip to Woodbridge, VA to IKEA, the Scandinavian furniture superstore. They were gone from Thursday till Saturday with the Dads all pulling overtime hours to watch 6 kids together in one house. It was a reality show waiting to happen. Momentous, to say the least. The weekend getaway was a special Mother’s Day gift from the husbands to the wives–a gift that only communicates itself as a gift if you’re a woman. Nonetheless, the ladies had a great time, and much bonding took place between me, Rainy and Zeke.
Saturday night and Sunday morning, we led worship at Journey Church, an amazing community of believers in Raleigh, NC doing an incredible work for Christ. My brother, Smooth, is on staff at Journey as an Associate Pastor and doing great work. Journey is less than 3-years-old and already experiencing explosive growth and life-change. The band at Journey is awesome and they all have incredible hearts for God and hearts to see His people connect with Him in worship. It was a privilege to lead with them. The Pastor’s wife, Beverly Carroll, brought a timely message from 1 Samuel 1 & 2 about Hannah’s commitment to God in the midst of barrenness. It would definitely be worth your time to listen to it here or go ahead and download it.
We played:
1. Sing, Sing, Sing (Chris Tomlin)
2. Here in My Life (Hillsong)
3. Inside Out (Hillsong)
4. Hallelujah, Our God Reigns (tag, Hillsong)
5. Our God Reigns (tag, Delirious)