Arise and Build

Arise and Build

It’s hard to know how to begin a blog post sometimes. I feel like I’m always pulling out the “Wow, what an amazing weekend” approach. So, let me try again.

Wow, what an amazing weekend! On Friday, Tasha and I celebrated our 5th year of marriage. We stayed a night in Cary, NC at the Umstead Hotel and Spa. I highly recommend it. It was sweet. The kids were not with us. We dropped them off with our former pastor and good friends, Tim and Debbie Burgess in Henderson, NC. Awesome people.

Tasha and I had an incredible time together. That’s all you need to know.

Then, on Sunday we lead worship for New Sandy Creek Baptist Church, our home church in Henderson, both Sunday morning and evening.

NSC is beginning a new building program called “Arise and Build” as they will be constructing a new family life center. The educational and kids’ areas are all out of space – a good problem to have. So, Sunday night was a night of praise and worship at Vance Granville Community College to give praise to the Lord and thank Him for the incredible generosity of His people to give toward this new project.

I wish I could disclose the figure that was pledged by less than 50 families in a rural farming town – it would blow your mind. The Lord is definitely at work at NSC and Tasha and I were proud to be back there to celebrate that day with them.

Tasha and I were just a small part of the program that night, but it was a privilege for us just to be involved at all. Leading with us were my good friends Robbie Watson on guitar and Tim Norton on djembe. Thank you guys for helping to make it an unforgettable evening for everyone. I love you guys.

Here’s what was on our playlist both morning and evening:

-I’ll Fly Away
-All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name
-Here I am to Worship

-Days of Elijah
-Come Thou Fount
-All in All