Back from Hungary

Back from Hungary

We’re back in the US. Got in late last night into Colorado Springs with no luggage! It’s supposed to arrive tonight. My body is praying that will be so as it begs for fresh clothes! We’ll head back into Charlotte on Sunday afternoon.

It was a great trip to Hungary. Thank you all for your prayers. The Lord showed up in some really cool ways during our worship times throughout the week. We heard on numerous occasions from the missionaries just how refreshing it was to worship together in English–something I never really think about, and definitely take for granted.

We met some really cool missionary families, and got to hear firsthand stories of what God is doing all over Eastern Europe. There about 180 people total including kids and volunteers, from about 6 or 7 countries including Hungary, Romania, Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Moldova. Many of these families have now become some of our dearest friends, and we hope to return soon to help some of them minister within their own cities.

Thanks so much for your prayers and support.