
Truth and Truth-Tellers Part 2

When the stakes are high and in our favor, we want things to be a certain way, we want words to have a specific meaning, we want to claim a higher standard beyond our own. But when the deck is stacked against us, suddenly words can fluctuate. Meaning can change. Truth becomes relative. Subjective. A…
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Truth and Truth-Tellers Part 1

It’s been all over the news the last couple of days. It has consumed the airwaves, the morning shows, and the late night comedy routines. You can read about it here. What did Hillary Clinton actually experience when she visited Bosnia so many years ago? Was she, in fact, under sniper fire when she landed…
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Six Years of Marital Bliss

Tasha and I celebrated 6 years of marriage on Easter Sunday. It was awesome to be able to sit back and worship with my family at their home church in Roanoke, VA (Green Ridge Baptist Church) and then spend the next 2 days with my beautiful bride while my parents graciously took the kids. I’m…
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Family Holy Week Part 4

On Thursday night during our devotion time, the kids sat down in the living room floor long enough for me to read a portion of John 13, the night before Jesus went to the cross. The event? When Jesus washed His disciples’ feet. The purpose? To show that He came to serve, and to be…
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Resurrection Songs

As I mentioned in Part 1 of this blog series, the little Resurrection ditties that I’ve been writing this week for my kids are now up and ready for your free downloading pleasure right here (“My Jesus” and “Jesus Got Up”). For those of you who are so inclined to scoff at my efforts to…
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