
My Daddy is On My Way

Here’s Rainy’s rendition of “King on His Way.” I’m not sure whether she means “My Daddy is on His Way” or “My Daddy is in my Way” or exactly what she’s hinting at. Nevertheless, she’s a natural with the microphone (or more accurately, flashphone). Enjoy on your Monday morning!

My Daddy is On My Way

Here’s Rainy’s rendition of “King on His Way.” I’m not sure whether she means “My Daddy is on His Way” or “My Daddy is in my Way” or exactly what she’s hinting at. Nevertheless, she’s a natural with the microphone (or more accurately, flashphone). Enjoy on your Monday morning!

Where is God?

I just finished Where is God? A great book by John Feinberg, professor at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, about how he dealt with and processed his wife’s battle with Huntington’s Disease. As he watched his wife deteriorate mentally and physically over many years of marriage, he finally came to a point where he put into…
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Where is God?

I just finished Where is God? A great book by John Feinberg, professor at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, about how he dealt with and processed his wife’s battle with Huntington’s Disease. As he watched his wife deteriorate mentally and physically over many years of marriage, he finally came to a point where he put into…
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Flashback: Carman

Confession time! As a pre-teen, I owned every one of Carman’s cassette tapes to date. I had them chronologically categorized in their own special leather tape case. Oh yea, I was the man!