Flashback: Carman
Confession time! As a pre-teen, I owned every one of Carman’s cassette tapes to date. I had them chronologically categorized in their own special leather tape case. Oh yea, I was the man!
Confession time! As a pre-teen, I owned every one of Carman’s cassette tapes to date. I had them chronologically categorized in their own special leather tape case. Oh yea, I was the man!
Usually when people find out that I am the oldest of five kids and that we were pastor’s kids and pastor’s kids are indisputably and historically the worst kinds of kids to roam the planet, yet now all five of us are, in some form or fashion, involved in a Christian vocation or ministry, they…
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Usually when people find out that I am the oldest of five kids and that we were pastor’s kids and pastor’s kids are indisputably and historically the worst kinds of kids to roam the planet, yet now all five of us are, in some form or fashion, involved in a Christian vocation or ministry, they…
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One semester while I was in college, I did a volunteer internship at a local hospital as a chaplain. Every Sunday afternoon, I would stroll the fourth floor with my guitar and Bible singing and sharing Scripture and encouragement with folks who needed to smile. The fourth floor was reserved for senior citizens, so as…
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One semester while I was in college, I did a volunteer internship at a local hospital as a chaplain. Every Sunday afternoon, I would stroll the fourth floor with my guitar and Bible singing and sharing Scripture and encouragement with folks who needed to smile. The fourth floor was reserved for senior citizens, so as…
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