
Rockstar Zeke

Here’s one of the coolest presents we’ve ever given our kids. With some of Zeke’s Christmas money from the grandparents, we bought him a junior guitar. It actually has real strings, stays in tune (that is when Zeke isn’t using torturing and banging on it like you would a sick kitten), and is the perfect…
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Rockstar Zeke

Here’s one of the coolest presents we’ve ever given our kids. With some of Zeke’s Christmas money from the grandparents, we bought him a junior guitar. It actually has real strings, stays in tune (that is when Zeke isn’t using torturing and banging on it like you would a sick kitten), and is the perfect…
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The Costumes

Mom did a fantastic job on the musketeer costumes! Right away the boys put them on and wore them the rest of the day. Joey calls it his, “musket-sa-teer” costume! Of course, the boys had the initial sword fights befitting the outfits, but then after they had both been “eliminated” several times (new operative word…
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Birthday Girl

This sweet little bundle arrived last night at about 7:40 p.m. Abigail (Abby) Christine Repass, 6 lbs. 14 oz., 19.5 in. long. All of the family are doing well! More photos after the “photo shoot” tonight. Lots of dark hair (must take after me!), and very alert.