I was walking out the door last night and Areyna squeezed her eyes really tight and said, “Jesus, thank you for making Rainy not scared of the noises, Jesus. Amen”. Totally unprompted!! It was so sweet. She’s been getting out of bed the last few nights saying she was hearing noises outside that were scaring…
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Yup, still pregnant. And as mom said, they are supposed to induce on Tuesday. We’ll keep you posted. The doctor is pretty cool, and hopefully everything goes well. Mom and Dad come in tonight, and the Repasses come in on Tuesday. The boys don’t seem to have a clue. Joey thinks that Abby will sit…
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We woke up to snow this morning. Then the sun came out with blue skies, and still snowing. It’s getting darker and grayer – still snowing. Flight is still on. We leave for the airport in about half an hour. Who knows what our day will bring. Love you all.
The kids got some Christmas $ and I was so anxious to get them something with it, so today while they napped I went out and got them each something. Both of them got a pair of slippers because they’re room is SOO cold in the mornings. Then, for Areyna we got a bucket with…
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