
Scent of Evergreen

Miss Piggy once said, “Never eat more than you can carry.” I should have taken her advice this past week. As with many of you, I’ll be hitting the gym again this week with newfound inspiration that somehow accompanies the magical letdown of the closing of the Christmas season. Or at least my intentions will…
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A New Look

We wanted everyone to see what the groundhogs have been up to in our yard. But seriously, we drove up to our house after Christmas to this sight. The plumbing company had come and trenched and put in a new water line. Thankfully our water no longer leaks, but now we are left wondering when…
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Psalm 23

On this January first I had to prepare a sermon, and I thought that I would share my passage with you all. I hope it encourages you, and maybe later we can talk about literary structures and poetic images that get me so excited. A Psalm of David1. I Am is my Shepherd; I will…
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Scent of Evergreen

Miss Piggy once said, “Never eat more than you can carry.” I should have taken her advice this past week. As with many of you, I’ll be hitting the gym again this week with newfound inspiration that somehow accompanies the magical letdown of the closing of the Christmas season. Or at least my intentions will…
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Happy 2008!!