
Recaps 12-9-07

Here’s the rundown from the weekend: SouthPointe Fellowship AM 1. Angels We Have Heard on High (trad.)2. Joy to the World (trad.)3. Be Thou My Vision (trad.)4. The Wonder of This Sight (Via)5. Wonderful Maker (Tomlin) –SouthPointe has been a really cool church to minister in as they continue to search for a full-time youth…
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Magic Motion Monday: Water Shortage? No Problem

I never should have said that I would have a new crazy video for you all each and every Monday. But, at least, I can keep you surprised when they do pop up from time to time. Here’s the latest installment. The water shortage in the southeast US is no problem for our family. We…
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Recaps 12-9-07

Here’s the rundown from the weekend: SouthPointe Fellowship AM 1. Angels We Have Heard on High (trad.)2. Joy to the World (trad.)3. Be Thou My Vision (trad.)4. The Wonder of This Sight (Via)5. Wonderful Maker (Tomlin) –SouthPointe has been a really cool church to minister in as they continue to search for a full-time youth…
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Guest Blogger: Jacob Via: Review of The Golden Compass

As the holiday season comes into full swing, statistics are showing that The Golden Compass is sure to be the biggest film of the season, if not the year. It’s sad really when I realize how easily this movie has slipped through the cracks within the believing community. Why on earth did we rant and…
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Here’s looking at you kid!

These are a few of the 3d/4d pics of Abby. So, yes she does sort of look like an alien in these pictures. But she is my alien princess. She would not move here hands for the pictures. Deedee said they tried to get a clean picture for an hour.