
The Thundering Scot

Today in church history marks the death of John Knox (11-24-1572). Knox was instrumental in the Protestant Reformation, particularly among Scottish churches. He was deemed “The Thundering Scot” as he boldly preached the truth of the Gospel in the face of corrupt officials in the Catholic church as well as in public office. If he…
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That For Which I’m Thankful – Part 3 (A Small Brick Building)

This is the final installment of my series of posts on things I’m thankful for. Never done a series until now. Think I kinda like it. Here’s what I’m thankful for on this Thanksgiving Day 2007: I’m thankful for a tiny little building on the campus of North Greenville College in the boondocks of Tigerville,…
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What is nobody blogging today!

What just because everyone is together nobody is blogging. It is nice to be together instead of connected by electrons, isn’t it?

That For Which I’m Thankful – Part 3 (A Small Brick Building)

This is the final installment of my series of posts on things I’m thankful for. Never done a series until now. Think I kinda like it. Here’s what I’m thankful for on this Thanksgiving Day 2007: I’m thankful for a tiny little building on the campus of North Greenville College in the boondocks of Tigerville,…
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