
It’s Not Because of You

In reading through Deuteronomy, I’ve noticed a common theme that keeps reappearing. The theme is all about God’s prerogative in dishing out love. God reminds Israel on many occasions that it is He who has chosen them. He loved them and chose them to be His treasured possession. It had nothing to do with them.…
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The Story of Our Wounds

“And God, please take care of daddy AS HE GOES to get Alethia on the airplane.” Those simple words have ushered heavenward from the mouths of our kids for the last month, before we ever knew whether or not the government was going to allow us the visa for our sweet little girl. And those…
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10 Years and What Have We Learned

I still remember exactly where I was and what I was doing. I’m sure you do too. I was just walking into my 9:00 Exodus Book Study class at North Greenville College. Dr. Pete Wilbanks gave us the news about the attacks on the Twin Towers, we prayed, and then he dismissed class. My Dad…
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Stepping Out of the Introduction

It’s hard to believe that the waiting, the planning, the fundraising, the paperwork, the trips to government buildings and medical clinics, the homestudies, the online education, the books, the praying, the encouraging words from friends, all of it, is finally coming to a head on September 26 when we load up our family of five…
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