
SuDo Singing

SuDo Singing

I tried to post this earlier but the video didn’t work. Sorry if you got confused. But above is a typical morning celebration at Su-Do Baptist Church just before going out to make some home visits. The pastor is the one with the mic. A wonderful man. The love of Christ just sort of oozes…
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Doing Whatever It Takes

The past 2 days have been absolutely slammed with activity. We’ve hardly had time to collect our thoughts much less write a blog. But it’s been a good kind of busy. We are now at Su-Do Baptist Church in Seoul. When we arrived on Thursday afternoon, about 50 of their members were waiting at the…
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The stench outside the music room

So, my classroom at school is in a portable, and the kids have to walk outside to get to it. Next to the portable is a lovely butterfly garden with flowers and other plants. Today at about 11 am, I opened the door to wait for my 3rd grade class to come, and I smelled…
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