
I miss my family today

I miss ya’ll today. It’s one of those days where I REALLY wish we were all closer. Well, Josh and I had a GREAT week in Windy Gap at the fall retreat and tomorrow is the big CD release of return worship. You can check out the site at It’s up and mostly running…
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The Rack

You may remember from a couple of weeks ago that Kay had found me an inversion table at a garage sale for $50.00. I was pretty excited, because our chiropractor had been telling me for months that she thought this would help my back problem. I was afraid to get too excited about the find,…
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Russell’s in!!!!!

Yeah, what a day, Russell. I’m glad you’ve joined this world of blogging and family togetherness. It just wasn’t the same without you=) Oh, and congrats, Den leader!!

My little Tiger!

Alex is officially a Tiger Cub after his first Pack meeting last night. And he loves it. Of course I am now his Den Leader somehow! Oh well I love Scouting, I am having as much fun as he is having. -Russell

Magic Motion Mondays

Picture, if you will, Josh and I going back and forth between the kids empty bedroom and their empty playroom. AHHH, “Be still and know that I am God”. The kids are in VA for the week while Josh and I lead a youth fall retreat at Windy Gap this week and then have a…
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