
The Latest

Well, it has been an eventful few days. Wednesday: Alex joined Cub Scouts and really likes it. He even has a uniform. We think this may be his forte. Thursday: Alex lost his first tooth at school. He pulled it himself. I didn’t have to do it! đŸ™‚ He is now part of Mrs. Rhoten’s…
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I’m new to this whole technorati thing, so apparently, if you have me as a link on your blog, make sure you link it as, NOT they can’t work together, and having the on the end makes it not show up as a claimed blog. I’m not sure why. It seems to…
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I’m new to this whole technorati thing, so apparently, if you have me as a link on your blog, make sure you link it as, NOT they can’t work together, and having the on the end makes it not show up as a claimed blog. I’m not sure why. It seems to…
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A Tragedy, A Legacy, and a Ragamuffin’s Commitment

Today, September 19, is the 10-year anniversary of the tragic death of Rich Mullins. It probably seems random that I know that, but Rich’s music had such an enormous impact on my life as a young Christian musician, it’s hard for me to forget details like that. Rich helped to shape the landscape of the…
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A Tragedy, A Legacy, and a Ragamuffin’s Commitment

Today, September 19, is the 10-year anniversary of the tragic death of Rich Mullins. It probably seems random that I know that, but Rich’s music had such an enormous impact on my life as a young Christian musician, it’s hard for me to forget details like that. Rich helped to shape the landscape of the…
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