
"In Quotes"

“Love: The unexplainable feeling of butterflies in one’s stomach caused by the undivided attention of a hottie.” – the text found on a popular girl’s tank top and I’m pretty sure the missing text from 1 Corinthians 13 in some of the earliest manuscripts.

Everybody Wants Everybody Else’s Green Grass

My neighbor’s grass is sweet. It’s plush, dark green and voluptuous. I wish I could have grass like that. I’m not sure how he does it. I never see him cut it. I never see him fertilize it. I never see weeds. Yet it looks AMAZING. Sometimes I just want to roll around in his…
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Everybody Wants Everybody Else’s Green Grass

My neighbor’s grass is sweet. It’s plush, dark green and voluptuous. I wish I could have grass like that. I’m not sure how he does it. I never see him cut it. I never see him fertilize it. I never see weeds. Yet it looks AMAZING. Sometimes I just want to roll around in his…
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I’m just now finding time to sit down and write a little about our weekend in North Vernon, Indiana. Bethel Baptist Church is a church ablaze. Whoever said that you can’t grow a church in a rural farming town needs to visit Bethel. Packing over 300 people in two services in the middle of nowhere…
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I’m just now finding time to sit down and write a little about our weekend in North Vernon, Indiana. Bethel Baptist Church is a church ablaze. Whoever said that you can’t grow a church in a rural farming town needs to visit Bethel. Packing over 300 people in two services in the middle of nowhere…
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