
Pics from Uganda

w/ Pastor Charles Tiondi, a pastor/leader/soldier/worship leader Alan Collier leading the Pastor’s Conference Alan, Josh, Pastor Timothy, Geoff Hubbard, and Pastor Robert at the Pastor’s Conference School ministry Sunday after church with Carolyn Thomas – she was a kid-magnet Outside the medical clinic where we shared the Gospel with everyone who was treated w/ Pastor…
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Ugandan Pastors’ Training Worship

This was the first day of the Pastor’s Training in Bugiri District, Uganda – June 25, 2009. This is the way the pastors opened up the training time every session. Incredible! Their love for Christ and their enthusiasm for the Gospel is contagious, to say the least.

Ugandan Worship Service

This was the first day of ministry in a remote village in Bugiri District, June 25, 2009. The sound system died on the first day, but it needn’t stop this team of radical Christ-followers from getting their praise on!

Uganda Recap

Finally made it back. Though I made it home on Saturday, the combination of catching up with my family, jet-lag and my brother having his little baby girl, blogging has been low on the priority list. But I’ll try to do a quick bullet-list here of some of the awesome things that happened on the…
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Let There Be Light

I found an internet cafe tonight here in Jinja and had a few extra minutes, so I thought I’d give a quick update. Ministry is going really well. The Lord is blessing in an amazing way already. We’ve had 3 days of village ministry, and already our medical team has treated over 2100 people ranging…
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