
Verticality: Why We Need To Sing Songs TO God, Not Merely ABOUT God

1.    God is Able 2.    Made to Worship 3.    Holy, Holy, Holy 4.    How Great is Our God The selected songs above serve as a generalized setlist you might expect to see in a typical North American evangelical church on any given Sunday morning. Now, amuse me for a moment. What if I told you…
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Dad’s Best Chocolate Chip Cookies

There’s a weekly tradition around here called “Daddy-Cookie Night.” It’s when mom goes away for the evening for her women’s Bible study/accountability group (aka “girls night”) and dad takes over. The activities of the evening are nothing too fantastical save the one thing by which the night derives its name–cookie baking. Part of the fun, at least for dad,…
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Burn Your Ships

Walter Henrichsen, in his book Disciples are Made, Not Born, tells the story of when Cortez landed at Vera Cruz in 1519. He had eleven ships full of men who had forsaken all that was familiar to charge headstrong into uncharted regions of Mexico. Henrichsen explains the scene: When Cortez landed . . . to begin his dramatic conquest of…
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Leading from Overflow

  View image |   I constantly remind myself and our worship team that we lead from overflow. OVERFLOW. But what does that mean exactly? Here are at least three things it means for me. 1. We cannot lead people where we haven’t been ourselves. Every Sunday morning, we have people who enter our buildings…
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The Power of a Story

Lately my kids love to hear stories of my childhood. It’s not as if I had some sort of epic Hollywood-script kind of childhood by any means, but because they are real stories with a main character they happen to know on a deeply personal level, they love them. They simply can’t get enough of…
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