
Prelude to Sundays

I started something new last night.  One of my closest friends, Ben Brammer, a pastor in Oklahoma City, and I began a weekly phone prayer time together on Saturday nights before our busy Sundays.  One of Ben’s mentors, Charles Lyons, the pastor of Armitage Church in inner-city Chicago who has practiced this for many years,…
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Holy Spirit Power

I just finished a classic work by Charles Spurgeon–a series of sermons on the work, the ministry and the person of the Holy Spirit compiled together to make up Holy Spirit Power.  It’s a great read.  I love reading Spurgeon’s material.  His writing and preaching style of the mid-1800s was not as polished and charasmatic as…
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Guest Blogger: Andrew Litke

(This is a post by my brother-in-law, Andrew Litke, a student at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, Florida.  He’s much smarter than I am, and when he posted this on our family blog last week, I knew I wanted to share it here.  Be blessed.  There’ s a lot to chew on.)  A LENTEN PRAYER…
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Yesterday we led worship at Carmel Baptist Church in Matthews, NC. Lem Leroy, the worship pastor, is becoming a really good friend and was gracious enough to bring us in to help lead the service. Carmel is a great community of believers and is always extremely gracious to us every time we’ve led there. And…
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Today is my little girl’s birthday. Areyna Joy turns 4-years-old today. I can’t believe it. She was only 1-and-a-half when we moved to Charlotte, and that means that she’s spent more than half of her life on the road with us. She’s incredible. Alot of people ask us what her name means. In Greek, erene…
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