
Tozer on Worship and Entertainment

I just finished a book by A. W. Tozer called Tozer on Worship and Entertainment. Tozer is one of my favorite writers of another generation. He pastored Southside Alliance Church in Chicago for 31 years in the early to mid 1900s. He was a prolific writer and self-taught theologian. One of my favorite books of…
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Animal Zeke

Nathanael Bryan, my good friend and one of the best drummers in Charlotte, took this shot of Zeke a couple of months ago just before a worship service. Watch out, Nate. Zeke’s “vying” for your spot. Pun intended.

Macon Waves

The past few days have been really exciting. We just returned yesterday from Macon, GA where we’ve been ministering. Sunday morning we led worship for the student ministries of Ingleside Baptist Church. We took the band with us–Andy Cherry, Tim Morrison, and Terrance Key. These guys were awesome and in spite of Andy coming down…
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The District Sleeps Alone Tonight: Etch-a-Sketch

Zeke and I had a little too much time on our hands on Friday morning. So, this is what came out.


Pray for us this weekend as we head down to Macon, GA to Ingleside Baptist Church. My good friend, Fred Broome, is the middle school pastor there. So tomorrow morning we’ll be leading worship for their middle school and high school ministries. Our whole fam is going along with our entourage, Andy Cherry, Tim Morrison…
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