
A Universal Back-Stabbing

I’ve never noticed until yesterday the severity of the disciples’ betrayal of their Lord in the last hours of His life–and not just the severity of their betrayal, but the universal scope of their betrayal. Each of the disciples broke the heart of their master in some way in those final hours. Matthew 26 illustrates…
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Radical Reformission

Just finished The Radical Reformission–a book that I should have already read by now, but at least I have now. And I loved it. Mark Driscoll unpacks what it means to live as a Christ-follower and how to share Christ with the culture God has placed you in, without selling out–without caving into the pressures–without…
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It was good to be back at Ridge Church yesterday and to be a part of their second official baptism service. It was awesome. One of the young men who was baptized was just recently saved at Ridge Church, both he and his 60-year-old dad. Tragically, the dad passed away about three months ago, but…
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Covenant Eyes is Awesome!

I’m excited to announce that our ministry has just been approved as an affiliate of Covenant Eyes. Covenant Eyes is an internet accountability program that provides help and support for men, women and families desiring to steer clear of the filth and garbage that plagues the internet. Covenant Eyes is perfect for churches, families or…
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CharlotteONE 2.3.09

Tuesday night we had the pleasure again of leading worship at CharlotteONE in uptown. God is doing a great work there among this community of young professionals and college students. We count it a privilege to be able to partner with them when given the opportunity. James-Michael Smith began a three-part series focusing on the…
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