
The Christmas Reading

Our friends at Ridge Church put together this video montage of the reading of the Christmas story. Check it out. It’s pretty cool. Thanks, Ridge, for letting us be a part of it. Merry Christmas to all! The King is born!

…And All Through the House…

It’s Christmas Eve and Tasha and I are sitting on the couch finishing our monthly newsletter. Actually, starting our newsletter. (Fun) At least we get to do it together. The kids are actually sleeping. I think we wore them out. We just rolled in from a great night of leading worship and looking at Christmas…
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Flashback Friday: Questron

Anyone remember this? The Questron electronic pen and workbooks–one of my all-time favorite Christmas presents as a kid. You would simply depress the pen’s tip on the multiple choice questions to see if you answered correctly. An incorrect answer led to the red-light of death followed by the beeping noise of doom. A correct answer…
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"Crazy Love" Review

Just finished Crazy Love by Francis Chan. This book kicked me in the gut from the outset and wouldn’t stop–convicting to the core. In the same vain as Shane Claiborne’s Irresistible Revolution and the whole idea of seeing God’s kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven–only I place Chan’s on another level from…
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Always Read the Instructions First

Sad news: Tasha is sick with a severe sinus infection. She says it’s the worse pain of her life. Ugh. I’m playing the Mr. Mom role right now…canceling meetings, cooking, cleaning, spanking the children, etc. Have I told you lately that I love my wife and have a renewed appreciation for all she does? Tasha,…
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