

This morning I read these verses and these verses, and was overwhelmed by the humility that Christ exemplified to save a lost sinner such as I. So, I thought I’d share my journal entry today: 11.6.08 Thank You, my Lord, for emptying Yourself to assume the form of a slave. You, the God who made…
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Oh, How I Love Jesus – Medley

Here’s another clip from last Tuesday night.

The Release

My sister, Joy, took some footage last night of the CD release. So here ya go. This song is called “Send Us Out” – track 14 on the CD. The night went really well. I felt really good about the whole thing. Following up Jarrett Steven‘s awesome challenge about maintaining a biblical perspective on reaching…
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This verse really spoke to me this morning. “…Sing praises with a skillful psalm.” (Psalm 47:7) And I was reminded of the duty that we have as Christian musicians, worship leaders, etc. to sing skillful psalms to the Lord–to give Him our best–not give Him our leftovers–but give Him the firstfruits of our talents, of…
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The Healing is Here

What a great week!  Tasha and I just finished out a 3-day worship conference with Integrity Worship – (we didn’t lead it!  just a part of it!)  But it was awesome to just sit back and soak up the wisdom from great men and women of God, songwriters and worship leaders such as Paul Baloche,…
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