
7 Years and Still Blind

I still remember exactly where I was and what I was doing. I’m sure you do too. I was just walking into my 9:00 Exodus Book Study class at North Greenville College. Dr. Pete Wilbanks gave us the news about the attacks on the Twin Towers, we prayed, and then he dismissed class. My Dad…
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Sunday morning we were back at Ridge Church in Matthews for the kickoff of their Sunday morning worship services.  For the past year Ridge has been meeting on Sunday nights as they searched for a facility and venue accessible for mornings.  After a year of searching, the Lord opened the door for AM services.  The…
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Date with Daddy

Connect Conference

Last night Tasha and I and our friends Andy Bradberry and Trenton Starnes had the great privilege to lead worship at Carmel Baptist in Matthews, NC for an event put on by our friends at Lifeway called the Connect Conference–part of Lifeway’s collegiate focus. The atmosphere was amazing. The presence of the Lord was evident…
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