
Flashback Friday: Face Extinguisher

When my brother Smooth and I were teenagers, we found plenty of things to get in trouble with, especially on days that we got to roam like two birds set free from captivity in the church where our dad was pastor. On one particularly adventurous and unchaperoned day, Smooth decided it would be fun to…
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In Quotes

“If you seek rest (from spiritual battles) in this world, how will you attain to everlasting rest? Do not train yourself for much rest, but for much patience … I (God) will give an eternal reward for a short labor, and infinite glory for passing shame.” -Thomas a Kempis, The Imitation of Christ

An Evening at the Park

Never Burn Yourself Roasting Marshmallows Again

Subtitle: Vacation Pics I Thought You’d Like No longer will I risk life and limb seeking after the oft-coveted perfect marshmallow. This is a technique used by the ancients, namely, finding a stick longer than the Eiffel Tower, placing your mallow on the end, and roasting your little heart away (not to be taken literally).…
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Worship 8.31.08

Worship Set Today at Weddington Community: 1. Awesome is the Lord Most High (Tomlin)2. Beautiful the Blood (Steve Fee)3. Oh, For A Thousand Tongues to Sing (Crowder version)4. God of This City (Passion)5. Sing, Sing, Sing (Tomlin)