

The last 4 days have been a marathon. Sunday night was amazing in Virginia. Tasha and I partnered with my Dad for the evening as he shared the vision for his ministry to the people of Green Ridge Baptist Church in Roanoke. His passion is reaching lost souls. And I am honored everyday to be…
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Green Ridge and God Still Moves

We’re back in Roanoke, Virginia this weekend doing a last minute gig with my dad at my parents’ home church here, Green Ridge. He’s sharing tomorrow night in the service about his ministry, casting vision to the church about what Rick Via World Reach Ministries is all about–namely, reaching the nations with the Gospel of…
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"Healer" Exposed

I’m certainly not the first to blog about the recent disclosure of the fraudulent testimony of “Healer’s” author Michael Guglielmucci, one of the contributors on the new Hillsong Worship album, “This is Our God.” But I figured I would add my thoughts nonetheless. A few days ago, I briefly mentioned the song “Healer” and the…
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“‘For thou art my strength.’ What an inexpressible sweetness is to be found in these few words! How joyfully may we encounter toils, and how cheerfully may we endure sufferings, when we can lay hold upon celestial strength. Divine power will rend asunder all the toils of our enemies, confound their politics, and frustrate their…
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Final Parkwood 8.17.08

Yesterday was our last time to fill-in at Parkwood Baptist Church in Gastonia, as their search for a full-time worship pastor has finally come to a close. But man, we’re sure going to miss being out there. I think we were there a total of 6 times since March, and yesterday was a great way…
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