
Day 5

Day 5 at Jake’s Place: Another amazing day. We had Brett Banks and Andy Bradberry in sessions today for bass and drums consecutively. Andy Cherry and Scott Spruill were back on guitars and keys. All of these guys are doing a phenomenal job. We’ve begun each day with group prayer, asking God to show up…
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Day 4

Today we finished up Day 4 in the studio at Jake’s Place working on our new CD. It’s going really really well. Jake Hunter is an amazing engineer and is doing a great job. The Lord is blessing beyond what I ever expected. Every day He shows up in a powerful way, and with His…
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The Holy Bathroom Kiss

Somehow I was able to capture this moment a few days ago. Priceless. I guess my kids figured that since they had just finished brushing their teeth, the appropriate next step was a little innocent brother-sister smooch. I couldn’t agree more. These kids take the Bible seriously and literally. What I have yet to figure…
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New Tunes

It’s only Wednesday but it feels like I’ve lived a full week already. We’ve been rehearsing like crazy with the guys this week before we go in the studio beginning Monday. Tasha and I are pumped up and really excited about it. We’ve got about 12 tunes we’re working on that will hopefully pan into…
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Weddington Comm. Ch. 6-29

Worship set at Weddington Community Church 6-29-08 1. Point of Difference (Hillsong United)2. All Because of Jesus (Steve Fee)3. All Hail the Pow’r/Raise Up the Crown (Chris Tomlin)4. Center (Charlie Hall, Matt Redman)5. The Wonder of This Sight (Via)6. Grace Will Be My Song (Fee)