
God Of This City

Here’s a song that is sweeping the world and became the anthem for our week here in Hungary. We sang it several times throughout the week encouraging the missionaries to embrace a huge vision for the city in which God has placed them. We sang it with conviction. We sang it with passion. We sang…
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The Deaf Need the Gospel

This morning a deaf missionary named Steve James shared about his recent experience battling leukemia. Steve serves among the deaf population in Hungary, and was diagnosed about 3 years ago with the disease. Steve had to come off the mission field for treatment in the states, and was determined to get back on the field.…
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In Search of a Hungarian Castle

To the tune of “It’s Natural to Be Afraid” by Explosions in the Sky

Basketball and Blood Clots

When I was in seminary, I had several classes with a guy named Steve Brown. Steve was one of the many guys that I would see almost everyday, but just never really interacted with–probably due to laziness on my part, but definitely not due to a lack of coolness on his. Steve’s a sharp guy.…
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