
Worship 5.17.08

Today at Southbrook Church: 1. Kingdom Come (this was the preliminary test for this new one of mine and I felt pretty good about it. I wrote it out of a sense of urgency — the fact that we desperately need a mighty move of God’s hand in this land — a revival — a…
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Vintage Jesus

I recently finished reading Vintage Jesus by Mark Driscoll, pastor of Mars Hill Church in Seattle, Washington. I loved this read. It’s basically a theological treatise on the doctrine of Christ put in layman’s terms with the humor of Dane Cook, minus the vulgarity. It’s a brilliant read. For anyone struggling with what a Bible-believing…
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Identity Crisis – Final

The Right Conception: Jesus is I AM The I AM Jesus is perfect love. The I AM Jesus has always been and always will be. The I AM Jesus loves sinners, and judges sin. The I AM Jesus is both a forgiving God, and a just judge. The I AM Jesus spoke the world into…
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A Mother’s Day to Remember

We just had a weekend for the scrapbook. Our weekend started on Thursday as my wife, my sister-in-law, Kelly Via, and another friend, Jennifer Hambrick, all took a childless road trip to Woodbridge, VA to IKEA, the Scandinavian furniture superstore. They were gone from Thursday till Saturday with the Dads all pulling overtime hours to…
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Identity Crisis – Part 3

(make sure you’ve read parts 1 & 2 before continuing)Misconception #2: “Jesus is a Tyrant” The tyrant mentality is the polar opposite. It says this: “Since Jesus hates sin and especially hates when I sin, He is up there in heaven somewhere waiting for me to mess up again so that He can slap another…
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