
How Tragedy Brings Glory to God

Yesterday marked the 1-year anniversary of the Virginia Tech tragedy. Having grown up thirty minutes from Blacksburg, VA it hit close to home for me last year. One of my friends, Matthew Church, was supposed to be in the class where Cho opened fire, but he slept through his alarm and missed class. Continue to…
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CharlotteONE 4.15.08

CharlotteONE went amazing last night. It was week two of a three-week series called Xtra Sexual, a series focusing on the Scriptural standard for human sexuality. Dr. Claude Alexander of University Park Baptist Church brought a great message examining the purity of Joseph in the midst of temptation. The band consisted of me and Tasha,…
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How To Be In The Church Band

I saw this on a friend of mine’s blog. Hilarious stuff from Northpoint!

Weddington Community Church

Yesterday we started the day at Weddington Community Church under the direction of Pastor Blake Bouldin. This was our first time at WCC and I don’t think it will be our last. They received us well and took great care of us. I had my buddies, Brett Banks and Nathanael Bryan with me. Awesome guys…
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One of the Endless Connections Between Sand and Spirituality

My kids are sand dwellers. Some days they closely resemble sand-dwelling, desert lizards because of the absurd length of time they spend in our turtle-shaped sandbox in the backyard. Trying to brush off and discard every grain of sand on their bodies prior to coming indoors is an unfeasible task to say the least. Usually…
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