Crazy Animal Story Part 4 (squirrel, penguin, eagle, …)

Crazy Animal Story Part 4 (squirrel, penguin, eagle, …)

I pulled into RTS the other morning, and I looked up to find a raccoon sitting there about 10 ft. in front of my car, cleaning himself on the parking lot. I thought to myself, “Self, that’s odd.” So I sneaked out of my car and walked inside. I went to my meeting and then to the library for a short bit. Returning about 45 minutes later I noticed a truck parked directly in front of my car. Apparently the masked cleaning enthusiast began to have seizures and drool all over the place.

I then glanced at the lake beside the seminary, and to my surprise there was a whole group of pigs running into the water as the truck was leaving with the raccoon. Whoda-thunk-it? (ok, so that last part wasn’t true, but the rest was!)