Doing Whatever It Takes

Doing Whatever It Takes

The past 2 days have been absolutely slammed with activity. We’ve hardly had time to collect our thoughts much less write a blog. But it’s been a good kind of busy. We are now at Su-Do Baptist Church in Seoul. When we arrived on Thursday afternoon, about 50 of their members were waiting at the church to greet us with the warmest welcome I’ve ever had anywhere. The people here are amazing. They have such a drive and passion to see their lost friends come to know Christ. Yesterday, we spent all day visiting the homes of friends and relatives who need Jesus – specific people in whose lives they have been planting seeds and investing time. In my group, we made about 8 visits during the course of the day and out of these 8 I think we had 5 people put their faith in Christ. Praise God! (What I haven’t figured out yet is why each home has a really nice sofa, but everyone insists on sitting on the floor anyway.)

The interpreting has been much better since we arrived back here in Seoul, so we have much more freedom in sharing with people; whereas before we had to basically read word for word the English-Korean tract we were using. Thankfully, we have good interpreters here at Su-Do.

The food continues to be a minor issue. I’m sure I’m losing weight. It’s hard to put on pounds with jellyfish salad! I did try the octopus spaghetti though just to say I did. It was like chewing on a rubber fishing lure dipped in tobasco sauce. It was one and done for me.

The girl in the middle that I’m standing with, Mrs. Kim, accepted Christ in a home visit I made on Thursday afternoon. When I walked into the home, there were about 9 ladies there who had all gathered to hear from this American. What I didn’t realize was, they were all followers of Christ except this one girl. They had all come to support her. They had been investing their time and love in her life and she was very ready to accept Jesus. They did whatever it took. As a friend of mine says back home, “They tore the roof off to get their friend to Jesus” (Mark 2:1-11).

God, give us this sense of urgency back in America to do whatever it takes to get our friends to Jesus.