Fields and Creeks
Happy Cinco de Mayo everybody. We just rolled back into town about an hour ago from a crazily hectic weekend. But a good one.
Friday night and Saturday we led worship for Wakefield Baptist Church‘s Women’s Conference in Wake Forest, NC. It was great to have my friend, Tim Norton, back with us playing djembe. Tim, his wife Anna, and new addition, Judah Elijah Norton, will be embarking for the DRC (District Republic of the Congo) later this year as missionaries through the IMB. Pray for them as they rigorously pour over the endless paperwork and details before they can leave.
Ruth McWhite, director of Women’s Studies at North Greenville University in Tigerville, SC, came and brought the Word to the ladies each session. Here’s a couple of quick highlights from one of her talks:
* “For everything I would have called an inconvenience, there was compensation if I looked hard enough and had the grace to be grateful.” – Elisabeth Elliot, referring to the toughness of jungle living after her husband Jim died.
* When we tell our kids, “Don’t tell God what you don’t want to do because that’s exactly what He’ll make you do”, we make God look more like a ticked-off father, rather than a loving father. When we emphasize this to our children it makes them scared of God’s will.
Well, Saturday afternoon we drove up Route 1 to Henderson, NC to New Sandy Creek Baptist Church, the church where I served as youth pastor and worship leader for 4 years. It was awesome to be a part of their groundbreaking celebration for the new Family Life Center that they are building.
It’s refreshing to see what God is doing there. This little country church in the tobacco fields of Henderson has baptized over 30 new believers since this past October. Unbelievable! Praise God! New Sandy, we love you guys. You’ll always be home to us. (Daniel Atkins and Robbie Watson are seen here with me. They rocked Henderson with their delicious harmonies and to-die-for licks.)
Sunday morning we were back at Wakefield Baptist leading worship for their 2 services. Pastor Scott Parkison is one of those guys that I feel like I’ve known forever because of the mutual friends we have, though I only met him for the first time this weekend. I’m sure we’ll be reconnecting with them down the road. Scott, thanks again for having us. We love you guys. Thanks for making us feel right at home.