Finishing the Wall

Finishing the Wall

This week I received an e-mail from Godfrey Wanamitsa, my good friend from Jinja, Uganda. A couple of months ago I wrote a post about the scary situation that happened to his family and the subsequent need for a concrete wall around their property for protection. Many of you helped to support this great cause financially, so I want to share his e-mail with you – maybe you can begin to get a small glimpse of the heart of this man of God. There’s no question that God is using this family to shake the country of Uganda, Africa with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Here’s what he had to say with no editing.

Dear Joshua and Tasha
It is always a joy to hear from you thank you so much for all you do for
the Lord and for all you have done to raise funds for a wall around my
house. I have raised the entire wall practically around my house and
right now trying to put a gate on the wall and should be finished in about
three days. With this the funds will be finished but I will be having a
wall. I and family are grateful and will fill more secure than we have
My wife was sharing with me today how she feared when I left her at home
by her self on Friday when I went for burial of my young sister who died
on Tuesday last week.
She was glad that eventually a gate is going to be put up.
I will send you the pictures of the wall progress.
In my last letter to you I did promise to be praying for you and for your
family and as soon as I can I will begin supporting your ministry. It
sounds like a joke but I will trust the lord even though it is one dollar.
I should be one of the first people to begin supporting you any way, but
please pray for me, as you know the great needs we have in Uganda.
My love to your family and to all Vias.