Flashback Friday: One Day 2000

Flashback Friday: One Day 2000

This is where the love relationship between Tasha and I began to bloom–One Day 2000 in Memphis, TN. One Day was the first gathering of its kind under the vision of Louie Giglio and his Passion Collegiate Conferences. On May 20, 2000, at least 40,000 college students gathered from all around the US with their tents, sleeping bags and Bibles, all for one purpose–to worship the living God of the universe. It was at this conference that Tasha and I realized just how much we had in common. That it wasn’t just the music, but we realized that we both wanted to live lives completely sold-out to Jesus Christ. We both wanted to live our lives on purpose for the glory of God. To make our lives count for eternity. And that’s exactly what we’re trying to do. To raise kids who love Jesus. To encourage men and women in churches all over the southeast not to be satisfied with typical Bible-belt Christianity. To take as many people to heaven with us as possible. We don’t have long. This weekend the reality of the frailty of the life has struck me with fresh fervor. We only get one life. Let’s make it count.

“Only one life, ’twill soon be passed. Only what’s done for Christ will last.”