Free Tunes: Lo-Fi Christmas Orchestra

Free Tunes: Lo-Fi Christmas Orchestra

My buddy and former band-mate from college, Kyle Polk, has put together a very cool instrumental Christmas project.  You need to stop whatever you’re doing and go grab it for FREE on bandcamp here.  You won’t be disappointed.

Here’s what Kyle had to say about this project:

To live in the present, realizing an event is beautiful, infinite, and fleeting and knowing that as the seconds pass by, that single moment will stand out in your mind and your heart will sculpt it into something so beautiful that you’ll revisit and measure all other moments to this one moment…

A friend of mine and I have had discussions on this topic many times, and as I think of the conversations, our talks seemed to be filled with long pauses, pipe smokes, and maybe some familiar music, but most likely it was shared at work in between tasks with paint covering our clothes and the front door chiming in often enough to make the flow of conversation quite difficult.

Over the past few months, this thought has also weeded itself into a project I was working on with another friend who lives near Atlanta. Distance, time, and other things that keep us busy, prevented this collaboration from growing beyond the brainstorming stages, but still I pressed on adding sounds around me and those who were willing to be recorded rather crudely with only one take (usually).

To elaborate much more on these recordings would be to rob you of your own interpretations. I hope they comfort you, and bring you peace as you try to make sense of yourself this holiday season.

Merry Christmas and Thank You for listening,

Kyle Polk