Give Yourself Away

Give Yourself Away

It was a great day back at Southbrook Church.  Pastor Rob Singleton preached the fifth part of a six-part series called, “One Month to Live” and gave a strong challenge to live a life of no regrets.  Next week, Clayton King will finish up the series followed by baptisms in Southbrook’s outdoor baptismal pool.  

That band was rockin’.  Nick Camereon, Andy Cherry, Steven Chapman and Trenton Starnes bring the house down every time.  
We played:
1. Let the Praises Ring (Lincoln Brewster)
2. Awesome is the Lord Most High (Chris Tomlin)
3. Sweetly Broken (Jeremy Riddle)
4. Rise (Robbie Seay Band – I love this tune.  Just learned it this week as it was a perfect fit for the series at SB.  But I know I’ll be doing it again.  It challenges the people of God with these words,  “Slow down, be still.  Let go, we will.  Be here, be now.  Slow down, be still.  Breathe in, refill, Be here, be now.  If you choose to love, know that the call is to give all you are, is to give yourself away.  Rise, rise, people of love rise. People of love rise. Give yourself away.

It’s a challenging song to sing in terms of its theological implications (not to mention the musical challenge).  I try to personalize and internalize every song I sing or lead so that it’s not just a bunch of words rolling off my tongue. But rather, it’s something that I’ve ruminated on over and over, chewed on, processed, prayed over and internalized. It’s challenging to do, especially with a song like this. But it’s just one way that I “preach the Gospel to myself everyday” (Jerry Bridges).